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Myopia Management

Addressing the Global Myopia Epidemic in your backyard: Insights and Strategies from Optometrist Professor Nick Rumney

Myopia has reached epidemic proportions worldwide, with projections indicating a 50% prevalence over the next few decades, prompting the need for proactive management strategies. Professor Nick Rumney, an esteemed Optometrist from the UK, was interviewed by our Product Manager, Jarrod Power. In this article we outline the key takeaways from the interview, emphasising the need for action in combating the myopia epidemic.  

The Myopia Management series highlights the growing concern of myopia as a global health challenge, the need for proactive intervention, the role of Optometrists in myopia management, and key considerations for running a myopia service in an optometry practice. 

Prof Nick Rumney


Addressing the importance of having myopia management as part of your optometry offering, helping to mitigate both immediate effects on children's education and overall health and potential long-term health consequences. With myopia also linked to structural changes in the eye and associated complications such as myopic macular degeneration, glaucoma, and retinal detachment, interventions to prevent these disease states should be strongly encouraged. Professor Rumney emphasises the need for individualised approaches and that Optometrists play a crucial role in addressing the myopia epidemic by integrating evidence-based interventions into their practices.  


There is a range of treatment options to help your patients these days, each with their benefits, so adding a Myopia Management facet to an optometry business needn’t be difficult or require onerous work. Optometrists can add significant value to their customers with myopia education and management plans for their patients.


Professor Rumney offered a range of suggested options to implement myopia management costs for the patient into a business.  Measuring axial length was an important facet of management, as were good educational and communication tools.


Professor Rumney offered insights on establishing and running a myopia management service in an optometry practice. Utilising clinical assistants, offering care plans, and balancing product sales and clinical services are important considerations. The interview concludes by highlighting the potential benefits of myopia management for patient care and business growth. 

Myopia Management Mini-Series

Episode 01

In the first instalment of our Myopia Management mini-series, Prof. Nick Rumney explores the current global indications of myopia, the impacts on children’s development and the importance of Myopia Management for successful patient outcomes.

Episode 02

In the second instalment of our Myopia Management mini-series, Prof. Nick Rumney reflects on his experience integrating a successful Myopia Management service into his practice and provides practical tips and knowledge that you can use to build your own specialised service.

Episode 03

In the final instalment of our Myopia Management mini-series, Prof. Nick Rumney explores how to optimise your established Myopia Management service. We investigate common challenges, the importance of patient and parent education and practical suggestions for a pricing structure that ensures viability and profitability.